Capture Customer Contact™: A Paperless Way Of Capturing Customer
Contact Details To Build A Loyalty Database

Quickly, Simply, Easily & Securely Capture Contact Details Of Visitors At Your Bricks & Mortar Store (Without Pen & Paper Or Data Entry!)

1 December 2020

Dear brick & mortar business owner,

RE: Building A Customer Loyalty Database

Between 2008 and 2011 I was a professional DJ, Emcee and nightclub promoter.

For the club nights I helped run, the business model was to:
  1. Increase ingress;
  2. Decrease egress; and
  3. Generate loyalty.
Quite simple, really!

Egress was decreased though the DJ and Emcee by playing music patrons wanted and making them feel welcome.

Loyalty and ingress were generated and increased by building a patron database and offering them incentives via SMS and email to return and refer.

This was really effective.

The patron database was collected in-venue on pen and paper.

The issue was pen and paper is not very time-efficient for patrons or the venue to capture, it has legibility problems and transcribing it to use is also time consuming.

This was never solved in the hospitality industry at the time.

Fast forward a decade and QR codes exist.

In mid May 2020, bricks and mortar venues were required to obtain and retain each patron/attendee’s contact details for potential COIVD-19 contact tracing, so I created and launched Adelaide first and only contactless solution for businesses to meet this compliance without the use of pen and paper, called Capture COVID Contact™.

As of today, 1 December 2020, the South Australian Government and SA Heath has mandated the use of a similar check-in system.

Yep, 7 months after me - call me an innovator.

Well actually, I am: My name is Orren Prunckun and I am an Adelaide-based innovator, who amongst many other things, lectures at university level in innovation and I have built the world’s first petrol price predictor.

However, as they have legislated the use of their check-in system, Capture COVID Contact™ is redundant.

Not only is their 7 months late, it is fraught with useability issues and redundant features.

In addition, many vendors who used the pen and paper system were inappropriately repurposing those contact details for marketing purposes - obviously there is a desire to build a customer loyalty database.

So those combined, today (not 7 months) later, I am pivoting my Capture COVID Contact™ technology to a new product - Capture Customer Contact™ - a paperless way to capture customer contacts for your bricks & mortar Store.

Furthermore, SA Health is doing the heavy lifting in educating SA consumers on what a QR code is and how to use them for sign-in, so it is great timing for businesses wanting to build a contact list of customers using QR codes.

How Capture Customer Contact™ Works At Your Store...

Here is how easy it is for visitors to register at your store…
  1. The visitor scans a QR code on a poster in the store or enters the URL displayed on the same poster if visitors don't have a QR code reader on their mobile phone;
  2. The QR code/URL directs the visitor to the store’s unique register mobile web page;
  3. Visitor enters their first name, last name, phone number email address and submits. If visitors needed to register more than one person, the confirmation screen allows them to do so and step 3 is repeated. If there is a register issue, error trapping gives them a notification to see staff to register and staff enters details on their behalf; and
  4. Visitor is registered and information is saved securely to the database.
A description only does so much!

Live Demo...

You can try the system out right now with this live demo:

Step #1:
If your smart phone has a QR code reader installed, scan this QR code:

Alternatively, if your smart phone DOES NOT have a code reader installed, go
here (will open in a new window) instead;

Step #2:
Fill out the form that loads with (dummy/fake) your: first name, last name, phone number and email address, then tap the blue “register” button and you will be registered; and

Step #3:
On a laptop/desktop go here (will open in a new window) to view/filter/search/download the records - as this page is a live demo and not secure/password-protected, use dummy/fake details in the first step.

What You Get With Capture Customer Contact™...

With a Capture Customer Contact™ account, you get:
  1. Unique QR code and URL for your store;
  2. Editable poster template with unique QR code and URL for your store already inserted; and
  3. Secure login for your store.
Capture Customer Contact™ is designed to meet all parts of the COVID Management Plan Regulation:
  1. It uses a unique QR (barcode) code or URL if visitors don’t have a QR code reader, which means visitors don’t need to touch communal pen and paper, so that the solution is 100% contactless to reduce any extra potential COVID-19 spread;
  2. It allows visitors to register more than one person with them (i.e. family member and friend) from the same mobile device, which means those who do not have a mobile phone with them can still register this way;
  3. It has error alert features if an visitor cannot register, which means visitors are prompted to see a staff member to manually register them using the same contactless method;
  4. Because handwriting can be hard to read and would be time-consuming to transcribe (in the unfortunate case of a positive COVID-19 test result)), it captures first name, last name, phone number, email address, date/time stamp down to the minute and second, sub-location (like Gaming Room) and the visitors IP Address (unique identifier of their internet access);
  5. It captures visitor contact details individually, which means previous visitor registrations cannot be seen by the current registration as with the pen and paper method, so that your store complies with the privacy of data requirement;
  6. Because paper can get lost, it transfers visitor contact details securely to the offsite database with SSL (Secure Sockets Layer version SHA256) encryption, which means registering visitor information is securely transferred to the database, so that your store complies with the privacy, non-disclosure and secure retention requirement;
  7. It stores visitor details in an offsite database that is backed up regularly, which means it is likely more secure than keeping paper records onsite, so that your store complies with the privacy, non-disclosure and secure retention requirement;
  8. It has a secure login for your store to view, filter, search or download (as .CSV file) parts of (such as specific date/time stamp) or the entire database of visitors, which means it is easy to find the relevant visitors for contact tracing and your store can quickly and easily respond to authorities; and
  9. It allows your store to have multiple sub-locations (such as Gaming Room #1 and Change Room #7) under the same secure login, which means every part of your store is covered without the need to remember multiple login credential and passwords.

How Capture Customer Contact™Stacks Up...

Feature Capture Customer Contact™ Pen & Paper
Capture first & last name
Capture phone number
Capture email address
Full legal compliance with SPAM
Register more than one person with them
Capture checkin date
Capture checkin time
Capture sign-up timestamp to exact second
Capture customer details privately
Complys with non-disclosure requirments for SPAM
Store visitor details securely in offsite database
Database backup
Paperless (COVID-19 safe)
Contactless (COVID-19 safe)
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer version SHA256) data encryption
Capture unique user IP Address (Internet Protocol address)
Handwriting legibility
Automated user error help
Secure store login
View, filter, search, download or export whole or parts of the entire database
Compatible with iPhone
Compatible with Android phone
Compatible with Windows phone

Frequently Asked Questions About Capture Customer Contact™...

Does this solution comply with the current Australian SPAM legal requirements?

Yes, it was deisgned by a Barrister and Solicitor admitted to the Supreme Court of South Australia.

How long is my data stored?

Until you cancel your account

Do I need to install anything?

No, simply login and start searching right away.

If I have questions, is there someone I can talk to?

Yes, we have a tech support team who will answer your questions. Simply login to your account and click help.

If I cancel my account, will I lose my data?

Yes, but before you cancel, you have the opportunity to download your lists as csv.

Who owns the data?

You do.

How do I cancel?

Simply login to your account, click on account settings and click cancel subscription. No need to call, email, or talk to anyone!

How do I get started?

Simply click the blue button below and you will be directed to signup. After you sign up for the 7 day trial, you will be asked for 1) your business name, 2) your email address and 3) password for login to your secure dashboard and you are ready to get started capturing customer contacts for your store.